Hello, my name is Jason Shaffer, some people know me as “Dragonfly”. Growing up in the farm country of Western Pennsylvania with a strong influence from my father and family, I acquired two very strong passions in life… the outdoors and art. In the fall of the year I spend much of my time hunting whitetail deer, fall turkey and fishing for steelhead trout. When spring rolls around, I am pursuing the spring gobbler, my greatest passion and maybe even better described as a sickness. Another interest I picked up over the years was collecting and creating custom hand- made game calls along with other outdoor related items. This is where my interest in art began to evolve.

Custom game call makers for years have incorporated the fine art of relief carving, scrimshaw, engraving and specialized wood crafts into their game call designs, mostly for decoration and expression of their passion for the sport. I was bitten with the bug of wanting to learn many of these trades and skills so I began dabbling in much of it myself. I am self taught and specialize in custom relief carving on wood, antler, horn and bone with a strong emphasis on wildlife and game animals. All of my carving is done by hand and can be found on many items such as gun stocks, game calls, furniture and more. I also dabble with custom leather work. I make custom leather holsters for game calls.

Over time and mostly by coincidence, interest in my work began to unfold from friends, associates and collectors, thus “TimberKreek Carving” was born. Many of my carvings and other items can be found in the hands of outdoorsman all across the country as well as Canada along with some of the most impressive private collections around.
TimberKreek Carving is a small business I own and operate in Western PA. I offer my artistic talents and designs to outdoor enthusiast wanting one of a kind works of art, gun stock carvings, fire place mantle carvings, display relief carvings, turkey beard displays, select custom game calls, specialized leather items and much more. Feel free to browse my page and pictures to see what I can do, offer for sale and for ideas you may wish to commission. I will update pictures and postings of future works from time to time.
TimberKreek Carving is a small business I own and operate in Western PA. I offer my artistic talents and designs to outdoor enthusiast wanting one of a kind works of art, gun stock carvings, fire place mantle carvings, display relief carvings, turkey beard displays, select custom game calls, specialized leather items and much more. Feel free to browse my page and pictures to see what I can do, offer for sale and for ideas you may wish to commission. I will update pictures and postings of future works from time to time.